Lab Search

共 9 筆


Carbon Chemistry Lab

Principal Investigator: Prof. Hui-Ting LIN

Forms of Int'l Cooperation:Joint Research Project, Personnel Exchange, Student Exchange, Equipment Share, Seminar, MOU/Collaborative Agreement

The coworking shared lab is to provide carbon chemistry related analytical equipment and space to facilitate the research and educational needs for the Institute of Oceanography. Currently, the shared lab has a Total organic carbon and total nitrogen analyzer, a tota...



Climate Dynamics and Global Change Research Group

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Principal Investigator: Prof. Yen-Ting HWANG

Forms of Int'l Cooperation:Joint Research Project, Personnel Exchange, Student Exchange, Seminar

Climate Dynamics and Global Change Research Group focuses on climate dynamics research. By seeking a more complete understanding of global dynamics, we aim for improving predictions of climate change. 



Computational Human-sociocultural Experimental Neuroscience (CHEN) Lab

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Principal Investigator: Prof. Pin-Hao Andy CHEN

Study Field: Using Artificial Intelligence, Computational Modeling, and Neuroimaging Methods to Study Interacting Minds; Interactions Influence Each Other’s Beliefs, Feelings and Behaviors as well as Their Corresponding Brain Representations

Forms of Int'l Cooperation:Joint Research Project, Seminar

The CHEN lab takes an interdisciplinary approach, including using artificial intelligence, applying computational modeling, and utilizing neuroimaging methods to study interacting minds and how these interactions influence each other’s beliefs, feelings and behaviors...



Explorer of Perception and Attention Lab, Department of Psychology

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Principal Investigator: Prof. Su-Ling YEH

Study Field: Chinese Character Cognitive Process, Blue Light Effect, Cross-modal Perception, Metacognition, Unconscious Processing, Aging Psychology, Human-robot Interaction, Industry-academia Collaboration in Financial Technology

Forms of Int'l Cooperation:Joint Research Project, Personnel Exchange, Student Exchange, Seminar

Our laboratory is dedicated to "basic research and interdisciplinary applications of psychology." We conduct multidimensional research, including perception and attention studies such as Chinese character cognitive process, blue light effect, cross-modal perception, ...



High-precision mass spectrometry and environment change lab (HISPEC)

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Principal Investigator: Prof. Chuan-Chou (River) SHEN

Study Field: High-precision U-Th Geochronology; High-resolution Records of Climate, Environment, Vegetation; Anthropogenic Pollution

Forms of Int'l Cooperation:Joint Research Project, Personnel Exchange, Student Exchange, Equipment Share, Seminar

We have applied elemental and isotopic fingerprints of biogenic and inorganic carbonates, such as corals, foraminifera, speleothem, to modern and past climatic and environmental changes using state-of-art analytical techniques. Applied interdisciplinary fields includ...



IONTU Paleoproxy Lab

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Principal Investigator: Sze Ling Ho

Study Field: Paleoclimatology, Paleoceanography, Biogeosciences, Biomarkers

Forms of Int'l Cooperation:Joint Research Project, Personnel Exchange, Student Exchange, Equipment Share, Seminar

Our research aims to understand past changes in climate and ocean conditions by analyzing fossilized lipids and calcite microfossils found in marine sediments covering the seafloor. These fossils serve as proxies for climate conditions beyond the instrumental era. We...



NTUHEP Group/Laboratory

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Principal Investigator: Prof. George Wei-Shu HOU

Forms of Int'l Cooperation:Joint Research Project, Personnel Exchange, Student Exchange, Equipment Share, Seminar, Joint Patent Application, MOU/Collaborative Agreement

NTUHEP was founded in 1994 by joining the “B meson factory” Belle experiment at Japan’s high energy physics laboratory KEK. Evolving rapidly since, it now consists of 7 regular faculty, together with 5 research faculty, postdoctoral researchers, master and doctoral s...



Sun Lab

Official Website

Principal Investigator: Syuan-Jyun Sun

Study Field: Behavioural Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Species Interaction, Climate Change Biology

Forms of Int'l Cooperation:Joint Research Project, Personnel Exchange, Student Exchange, Equipment Share, Seminar, MOU/Collaborative Agreement

The Sun Lab investigates the ecology and evolution of interactions between species in a rapidly changing world. We are a diverse and multi-disciplinary group based in the International Degree Program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development at National Taiwan Un...



Taiwan Instrumentation and Detector Consortium (TIDC)

Official Website

Principal Investigator: Prof. Rong-Shyang Lu

Study Field: RHIC at BNL, LHC Phase 2 Upgrade

Forms of Int'l Cooperation:Joint Research Project, Personnel Exchange, Equipment Share, Seminar, Joint Patent Application, MOU/Collaborative Agreement

While the Taiwan Instrumentation Detector and Consortium (TIDC) is formed, we propose to setup a Core Facility model and a follow-up plan in the coming years. TIDC will invite more high energy experimental groups in Taiwan and construct a large mass for detector R&am...