Asian Center for WTO and International Health Law and Policy
Principal Investigator: Prof. Yueh-Ping (Alex) YANG
Study Field: International Economic Laws (Including WTO Laws, Regional Trade Agreements, and International Investment Laws), International Health Laws (Including the WHO’s International Health Regulations and Framework Convention on Tobacco Control), and International Arbitration Laws (Including Commercial and Investment Arbitrations)
Forms of Int'l Cooperation:Joint Research Project, Personnel Exchange, Student Exchange, Seminar
After Taiwan became a WTO Member on January 1, 2002, NTU College of Law recognized the importance of WTO law studies and established the WTO Research Center in 2003. In 2005, the WTO Research Center was transformed into the Asian Center for WTO & International He...

Research Center for Digital Law
Principal Investigator: Prof. Sieh-Chuen Huang
Study Field: Taxation of the Digital Economy, Regulation of the Use of Digital Tools, Supervision of Decentralized Finance and Smart Contracts, and Regulation of Crimes Related to Digital Assets by the State; Analyzing Court Decisions, the Legal Nature of Smart Contracts, and Proposals for Their Content Using Information Science Tools
Forms of Int'l Cooperation:Joint Research Project, Personnel Exchange, Student Exchange, Seminar
The Digital Law Research Center was established to address the impact of digitalization on legal norms in emerging technology areas. The Center integrates researchers from various fields to focus on specific issues and facilitate mutual dialogue. It has established t...