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Graduate School of Advanced Technology

Laboratory of Microscopic Interface and Surface Science for Future Electronics

Official Website

Principal Investigator : Prof. Ya-Ping CHIU

Team Size : 20

Study Field : Advanced Semiconductor Electronics, Low-dimensional Materials, Optoelectronic Materials, Quantum Materials, Superconductors

Forms of Int'l Cooperation : Joint Research Project, Personnel Exchange, Student Exchange, Equipment Share, Seminar, Joint Patent Application, MOU/Collaborative Agreement

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Lab Introduction

Our laboratory is devoted to utilizing scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) for the analysis of surface and interface properties in materials and devices. With STM, we can provide atomic-resolution images and corresponding electronic band structures. In addition to surface measurements, our lab's cutting-edge cross-sectional STM(XSTM) techniques allow us to explore the heterostructures of various material combinations, providing crucial insights.

Equipped with a versatile system capable of applying additional biases (e.g., gate voltage and drain bias), illumination, and temperature variations, we can perform in-situ measurements of atomic-scale electronic structure changes in real devices during operation. Our research spans across multiple domains, including advanced semiconductor electronics, low-dimensional materials, optoelectronic materials, quantum materials, and superconductors. By integrating surface and cross-sectional measurements with electric field modulations, illumination, and temperature variations, we investigate the impact of diverse environmental factors on materials and provide key information on their characteristics during operation.

We are excited to collaborate with distinguished academia and industry partners worldwide, leveraging our lab's unparalleled atomic-scale measurement techniques. By exploring the properties of novel materials and devices together, we aim to unlock new possibilities and propel advancements in the field. Let's forge partnerships that foster breakthroughs and redefine the boundaries of material science and technology.

International Cooperation Experience

  • The University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong
    Joint Research Project

    2021 ~ present

  • University of New South Wales | Australia
    Joint Research Project

    2021 ~ present

  • Jülich Research Centre / Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ) | Germany
    Joint Research Project Personnel Exchange

    2012 ~ present


Zi-Liang YANG

Position : Doctoral Student

Email : zly.ziliangyang@gmail.com

Phone : +8862-2362-4918

Principal Investigator

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Prof. Ya-Ping CHIU

Position : Director, Program for Nanoengineering and Nanoscience, Graduate School of Advanced Technology, and Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Physics

Email : ypchiu@phys.ntu.edu.tw

Education / Background :

  • PhD, Department of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

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