Philosophy and Virtual Body Lab
Principal Investigator : Prof. Caleb Liang
Team Size : 6
Study Field : Interdisciplinary research on bodily experience and self-consciousness
Forms of Int'l Cooperation : Personnel Exchange, Seminar
Lab Introduction
Philosophy and Virtual Body Lab is the first and only lab in Taiwan that integrates VR technologies into philosophical and interdisciplinary research. The goal is to achieve a deeper understanding of bodily experience and self-consciousness via VR experiments. Recently we have been studying the following issues: How does virtual reality influence our sense of body ownership? What is the distinction between the first-person perspective (1PP) and the third-person perspective (3PP)? What is the relation between bodily experience and self-consciousness? Are “body ownership” and “experiential ownership” the same subjective experiences? Is “self-location” identical with “body-location”? We have also developed several new bodily illusions, including: “Self-touching illusion”, “Four-hand illusion”, “Body ownership from 3PP” and “Double-body effect”.
International Cooperation Experience
Centre for Integrative Neuroscience, Department of Philosophy, University of Tübingen | Self-Consciousness and Multisensory Integration: Philosophical and Neuroscientific Perspectives | GermanyPersonnel Exchange Seminar
2015 ~ 2016
Principal Investigator
Position : Director
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